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Intersession Intercession, our Events, and Parent Partnership

Writer's picture: Kelly HayesKelly Hayes

Intersession Intercession: Pray for Our Upcoming Events

This week is intersession-week for many of the schools in our area. And intersession is a great time for intercession. Intercessory prayer is when we stand up for someone else in our prayers. It is when we come before the throne carrying someone else’s burden. It is when we seek God’s best for another.

And I am asking that you would intercede for us. Specifically, would you pray for our upcoming events?

In a vacuum, we don’t really care about events. We care about people: parents and kids. But events matter because they are the opportunities we have to interact with families. Each Sunday and Wednesday is a special chance for our church to intentionally interact with one another. We gather under the authority of God’s Word in the presence of God’s Spirit and it is an honor. We know that events don’t change people; God does. And so we are asking you to pray that He would use our planning and our gathering to impact the world for his glory.

Here are two special events that are coming soon. Please pray that God would use them.

4/30: 5th Sunday. Elementary kids will get to stay in the service with their parents on this Sunday. And our message will be tailored specifically to take kids and adults into account. This is not a kids-service (but there will be pirates!). It is the same kind of sacred assembly that we gather for each week, but it pays special attention to the presence of elementary-age kids. This is a powerful opportunity for kids to worship and learn with their parents. And it is also a chance for the parents to lead their kids in a shoulder-to-shoulder way as they hear the Word with their kids.

5/3: FamiliesOnMission. Instead of KidsOnMission we are having our second parents-and-kids-together event on this date. Ron Lambert, along with his trained dogs (Drifter and Izzy), will be coming to share with us about friendship with Jesus. This will be a great opportunity for families to enjoy a great time of growing in godliness. And it will be a chance for adults to see an example of what it looks like for people to use their gifts/experiences/hobbies to point their kids toward Jesus. Sign-ups will start next week.

And your prayers for our “normal” events matter too. As we open the Bible in Sunday School, we are desperate for God to speak. As we submit to the Bible in our KidsGathering and PreK-Gathering (during the weekly 10:15 service), we need God to change us by his power. And as we train to go with God’s Word on Wednesday nights, we are relying on God to equip us.

When we are weak, He is strong. Please pray.

The prayers of the righteous accomplish much. Please pray.

On our own, we can do nothing. Please pray.

Things that are impossible for man are possible for God. Please pray.

God never fails. Please pray.

Parent Partnership: Wednesday (4/12/23) and Sunday (4/16/23)

Everything a parent/volunteer team-member needs to know about this week is below. You’ll find the Scripture passages, the specific pages in our children’s Bible, the teaching video, and some questions to use at home. We use The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible and RightNowMedia for teaching and Planning Center Services for scheduling.

On Wednesday, we will NOT have KidsOnMission because of Spring Break.

On Sunday, there are exciting things happening as well! At 9am, our kids get into the Word in Sunday School. Our kids are under the Word during the Gathering:
  • Preschoolers will continue moving through the The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible. We are looking at Story 15: Ten Spies Give a Bad Report

  • Elementary students will dig into Philippians 3:1-16. Here is the teaching video and lesson.

Family Prayer Prompt: God, help us to trust you. There are lots of challenging, scary things in the world, but you are in control. Help us to trust you. Help us to live for the ultimate prize: knowing you and being with you.



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