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What are Power Up Clubs?

When and Where are Power Up Clubs?

Power Up Clubs bring the fun and energy of Summer Camp to front yards all over Florence. They are 75 minutes of crazy games, skits, food, Bible teaching… and more games! This is Sandhurst’s biggest missions outreach, there are ways for everyone to get involved - no passport needed.

This year, PUC is June 16-19. 3 times a day, at 30 homes all over Florence. They start on Monday, and the last clubs are on Thursday - but wait there’s more…. Power Surge is our big end-of-PUC celebration, where we invite all our guests to church Sunday, and party afterwards with a picnic, bouncy houses, Kona Ice, and you guessed it… more games.

How Can I Get Involved?

Host a club in your front yard

Help transport the teams to the clubs

Prayer, Food, Power Surge

Plan and run the clubs. 6th-12th grade

Host a Club

  • Host a 75-minute club in your front yard

  • What is involved in hosting?

    • Host a club each day, June 16-19. Clubs are 75 minutes and there are 3 different time slots for you to choose from:

      • 10:30-11:45am, 5-6:15pm, 6:45-8pm

    • Go door to door in your neighborhood inviting people to come. Invite your neighbors, school friends, sports friends, etc.

    • Providing some basic amenities at your home (such as a blanket, water, snacks, a water hose, bathroom access)

Adult Leader

Adult leaders are invited to be as involved with their team as they’d like to! Some stay the whole week and even sleep at church. The “baseline” expectation is:

  • Transport your team to the club each of the 4 days, June 16-19 (we provide a van). Adult leaders should expect to be with their team from 9:15-11:40am and 4:30-8:30pm each day. 

  • Partner with the team captain (college student) to help run the club 

  • Engage with adults who hang out at the club.

Other Ways To Get Involved

  • Food Donations and Serving

    • Provide food items for meals as the students camp at the church all week (bring in items at the beginning of the week)

    • Come to the church during meal times to help serve

  • Prayer

    • Partner in prayer for the clubs, the hosts, the students

  • Power Surge

    • Help host Power Surge at Sandhurst on Sunday, June 22 (direct guests, prepare picnic areas, serve food)

Sign Up TBA


  • Bring the Gospel to children in the front yards of Florence

  • Be a team-player as you lead games, skits, music, bible studies

  • Camp out at the church during PUC week

  • Learn and grow as a disciple during Shape Shop each evening

  • Engage with kids on Power Surge Sunday

Important Dates

  • April 28

  • May 15

  • June 2

  • June 6 (6:30-8:30pm)

  • June 14 (10am-3pm)

  • June 15

  • June 16-19 (all day)

  • June 22 (8:30-11:30am)

Early Bird Deadline ($70)

Application and Payment Deadline ($25 late fee)

PUC interviews at church

Captain & Adult Leader Training (Captains only)

PUC Training

 Move in at 7pm

Clubs/Sleep at church

Power Surge

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