Equipping the saints to love and obey God
by the power of His Spirit, for the praise of His glory
We equip the saints in three ways:
Equipping Classes
Equipping Classes specialize in skills. These groups are not just a classroom - they’re a lab. Teachers prepare material for us to learn and use in real life - not only facts about the Bible, but also tools to read and understand the Bible for yourself. Not only notes on marriage and family, but also strategies to better love your spouse and kids and grandkids. Not only data on God’s world mission, but also pathways to personally engage God’s world mission. Come to a class; leave with a skill.

Bible Literacy: John
Teachers: Zach Crane, Bill Gray, Izzy Markle
Room 103 (Library, off main lobby)
Learn to study the Bible for yourself in this Bible Literacy class using the Gospel of John. Each week add practical tools to see, understand, interpret, and apply God’s Word in your life. We learn to identify the main theme of a passage, and then interpret and apply it. Outside tools such as commentaries, Bible dictionaries, concordances and even online tools will be highlighted. Note this class is taught by four rotating teachers - so different styles will be represented. Go deep with us!
Bible Literacy: Romans
Teachers: Ron Bennett, Fred Cannon
Room 120 (down first floor stairs)
Join us for an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans as we explore one of the Bible’s most profound themes: the righteousness of God. Romans shows how God’s righteousness is not only a standard, but also a gift offered to us through faith in Jesus Christ. Each week, we’ll unpack just a few verses, allowing time to reflect, discuss, and apply these truths. Whether you’re new to Romans or have studied it many times, you’ll find fresh insights and encouragement as we discover together how God’s righteousness transforms us from the inside out.
Church History (Class full*)
Teacher: Adam Richardson
Room 108
Come trace our Christian family roots from Christ and the apostles through the Roman Empire, the dark ages and the Reformation to the present. Far more than facts, history inspires gratitude and trust as we see God’s faithfulness throughout the centuries. Strengthen your confidence in Scripture by seeing how God has preserved His Word from its origins to modern translations. We will also be challenged to face uncomfortable truths: wars (Crusades?), slavery, and divisions within the church, helping us wrestle honestly with the past. Ground your modern faith in 20 centuries of historic faith built on the foundation of Christ. *Email adam.richardson@sandhurst.net to join waitlist.
Elevate Equipping: Bible Literacy
Teacher: James Burgess
Room 208 (above the gym)
Come on out to Elevate University! This isn’t your typical Sunday school! Every Sunday we explore the Bible book by book to get a fuller understanding of God’s great story. We play games and have plenty of laughs as we unpack truth together. Bring a friend (or five) and your wildest questions. See you there!
Equipping Families for a Faith Legacy
Teacher: Bob Gray
Room 109 (adjacent to hub)
Whether you are a grandparent passing down a legacy of faith, or a parent between the generations, we can help! We’ll explore what the Bible says about passing faith from generation to generation, with practical ways to strengthen multi-generational faith traditions. We utilize resources from Josh Mulvihill’s (Legacy Coalition) outstanding Grandparenting Matters series. Whether your children or grandchildren are young or old, near or far, this class will equip you as an extended family to shape the next generation’s faith to stand firm in an ever-changing world.
"Back to the Future" A Men's Study of the Minor Prophets
Teachers: Russell Allen, Eric Crowley
Room 119 (down first floor stairs)
Come by the Men’s Equipping Class as we dive into the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. Here we see God’s sovereign power over all times and places and people, strengthening an unshakable faith in our lives now. Learn the Bible. Grow as men. Learn to lead. In the image of God. Let’s go!
The Bible from 30,000 Feet (Heitzig) - A Women's Study
Teacher: Pam Clemons
Fellowship Hall
The Women's Class will continue a Bible study based on the book The Bible From 30,000 Feet by Skip Heitzig, showing how the Bible tells God's one complete story from the beginning to the end of time. As Kay Arthur reminds us, “One of the most necessary, vital, life-changing things we can do is to know the Word of God...to love it, obey it, feast on it, and know that God watches over His word to perform it." Over the spring semester (Jan-May), we expect to cover Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon at least. Each lesson is a stand alone lesson, such that anyone can come in at any time and benefit. Our class is an open community - we invite and welcome anyone who wants to come!
Equipping Class Schedule
Weekly: Every Sunday, 9-9:45 AM
Fall Classes: Aug-Dec
Spring Classes: Jan-May
Missions Workshop: June
General Workshop: July
Special Dates:
No classes on Easter or Power Surge
Sunday before Christmas is a carol sing in the sanctuary
Last Sunday of the year is a reflection class
Life Groups
Life Groups specialize in community. Our busy lives naturally lead us to isolation, numbing our love for people whom we know less and less, dehumanizing others and even ourselves (can you feel it?). Our life groups draw us back into a red blooded circle of saints who know and love and serve each other. In Life Groups we gather small to see and be seen, to know and be known, moving from isolation to community. Those community bonds deepen as we focus on praying for one another and practice the one anothers of encouraging, comforting, forgiving, caring and serving. In Life Groups we “see and know, pray and go.”
Meet most days of the week
Most meet on Wed, 6-8PM, to align with Kids on Mission
Fall LGs: Aug-Dec (second Wed in Aug is OCC packing night, groups and KOM start the following Wed)
Spring LGs: Jan-May (second Wed in May is the final LG and KOM night)

Core Groups
(for Men and Women)
Men’s & Women’s Core Groups specialize in accountability. These groups are kept intentionally small to maintain transparency and confidentiality for effectiveness. Here we encourage each other in the fight against personal soul enemies that pick us off in isolation. Here we keep each other mutually accountable to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, and expect God’s greater reward. The M&W’s Core Groups include a broad range of approaches such as Bible studies, book studies, prayer, goal-setting, mutual resource-sharing, etc.
Meet most days of the week
Interested in joining?
If you are interested in learning more or getting involved in any of these groups, contact groups@sandhurst.net
Have other resources in mind?
If you have any thoughts, questions, or suggestions regarding life group resources, we would love to hear from you. E-mail groups@sandhurst.net