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Equipping the saints to love and obey God

by the power of His Spirit, for the praise of His glory

We equip the saints in three ways:

specialize in skills

(Sundays at 9 AM)

specialize in community

(weekday evenings)

for men and women specialize in accountability

(varied times)

Training Classes

Training Classes specialize in skills. These groups are not just a classroom - they’re a lab. Teachers prepare material for us to learn and use in real life - not only facts about the Bible, but also tools to read and understand the Bible for yourself. Not only notes on marriage and family, but also strategies to better love your spouse and kids and grandkids. Not only data on God’s world mission, but also pathways to personally engage God’s world mission. Come to a class; leave with a skill.



Weekly: Every Sunday, 9 AM

Fall Classes: Aug-Dec* (Last Sunday of the year is a reflection class)

Spring Classes: Jan-May

Missions Month: June

Workshop: July

Life Groups

Life Groups specialize in community. Our busy lives naturally lead us to isolation, numbing our love for people whom we know less and less, dehumanizing others and even ourselves (can you feel it?). Our life groups draw us back into a red blooded circle of saints who know and love and serve each other. In Life Groups we gather small to see and be seen, to know and be known, moving from isolation to community. Those community bonds deepen as we focus on praying for one another and practice the one anothers of encouraging, comforting, forgiving, caring and serving. In Life Groups we “see and know, pray and go.”


Meet most days of the week

Most meet on Wed, 6-8PM, to align with Kids on Mission

Fall LGs: Aug-Dec (second Wed in Aug is OCC packing night, groups and KOM start the following Wed)

Spring LGs: Jan-May (second Wed in May is the final LG and KOM night)

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Core Groups
(for Men and Women)

Men’s & Women’s Core Groups specialize in accountability. These groups are kept intentionally small to maintain transparency and confidentiality for effectiveness. Here we encourage each other in the fight against personal soul enemies that pick us off in isolation. Here we keep each other mutually accountable to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, and expect God’s greater reward. The M&W’s Core Groups include a broad range of approaches such as Bible studies, book studies, prayer, goal-setting, mutual resource-sharing, etc.


Meet most days of the week

Interested in joining?

If you are interested in learning more or getting involved in any of these groups, contact

Have other resources in mind?

If you have any thoughts, questions, or suggestions regarding life group resources, we would love to hear from you.  E-mail

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