No one has actually asked me why I keep sending texts and emails about kids/family events. People understand that we care about kids and families, so it makes sense that we would share about what we are learning, upcoming events, and policies. But it is much more than that. It is all about partnership. As you can see in the picture above, as a culture we are very clear about who is responsible for helping kids grow spiritually: parents. It is not a close race. 99% say that parents shoulder the primary responsibility to the spiritual formation of their kids. And the church is almost as clearly in the #2 spot. So what does that have to do with all these texts and emails?
It is pretty simple: parents are responsible for their kids, but who is responsible for helping parents do a great job in discipling their kids?
That’s us: the local church. Your local church. That is why we communicate so much. And that is why every communication is so important. We want to help you grow as your kids grow up. We want you to be equipped in helping them grow up in godliness. Our communication is here to help you do the following:
Make church-involvement a top priority for every member of your family. Being engaged at church each week is connected with families being spiritually engaged outside of the weekly gathering. Serve here. Worship here. That will help you serve and worship more and better at home.
See yourself as essential: God’s chosen instrument in the home. Most kids who grow up to follow Jesus can point back to having the faith handed down to them from a close relative. God didn’t hire a professional for your kid. He appointed you.
So, please know that we are not just trying to update you about the mundane details of weekly kids’ stuff. No! We are inviting you, equipping you, encouraging you to partner with us in what God has called you to do: Go into all the world (including the living room at home or the nursery at church) and make disciples.
Parent Partnership: Wednesday (3/22/23) and Sunday (3/26/23)
Everything a parent/volunteer team-member needs to know about this week is below. You’ll find the Scripture passages, the specific pages in our children’s Bible, the teaching video, and some questions to use at home. We use The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible and RightNowMedia for teaching and Planning Center Services for scheduling.
On Wednesday, we will have KidsOnMission and kids choir. Dinner is $3 for individual kids with a $7 max for families. Kids choir is at 5:15pm (for 5k-5th grade) and KidsOnMission officially starts at 6pm.
We will be considering Peter’s denial, the arrest and trial of Jesus, and more (MATTHEW 26:31–27:31, JOHN 18:1–19:16).
On Sunday, there are exciting things happening as well! At 9am, our kids get into the Word in Sunday School. Our kids are under the Word during the Gathering:
Preschoolers will continue moving through the The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible. We are looking at Story 13: No Way to Escape (Ex 114)
Elementary students will dig into Philippians 2:1-4. Here is the teaching video and lesson.
Questions for Families to Discuss (before/after Sunday):
In the Old Testament, God’s people got stuck on the edge of the Red Sea. They thought that crossing was impossible. But what did God do?
In the New Testament, we are taught to treat others as more important than ourselves. This seems impossible. What makes this possible? (Thinking the way Jesus thinks. Being unified as people who are loved and cared for by God.)
When the world sees us do something amazing (treat others as more important than ourselves) it has reason to believe in a God who can do the impossible (split seas, raise the dead). Why is it so important that we treat others with honor?
Family Prayer Prompt: Lord, you are the God over all. But you love us so perfectly. Help us to thank you for that. And help us to love others in a way that shows them who you really are.